lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

The Bold and Bashful

Hello Dear classmates.✌

Well...........   I'm going to start by saying that I really liked that day of class , because I learned about the different personalities.  😆💪

The personalities of people are behaviors  that show you how people are going to act or how they are, some people can be extroverted, condencending, introverte, shy, unfriendly, talkative, and so on...

 I think that people who are shy always have problem in their day to day because it is difficult for them to meet people and socialize with othres, and many people can make missatribution about those people who are shy. Shy people usually are less popular that others kind of person but  that doesn't mean that they are less intelligent or that they can not achieve success, the problem is that they shy people  have to recognize their problem and try  to overcome that barrier.

On the other hand, let's talk about people who are condescending, they usually  find many problem becouse they treat the others as inferior creature and no one likes to be treated like that,  that's Why they get many enemies very often and besides  condencending people think that anybody cann't overcome them😡.

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