lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017
A tipping point in my life.
For me it is something really personal of to talk about. Something that without doubt was an inflexion point or the biggest one, was my father’s death.
I remember him as a good father, a good teacher and a good human being. He was friendly and outgoing. He had many friends that loves him as a brother.
When he died, I was ten years old almost turning eleven. I still remember that Saturday morning that I woke up wanting to watch cartoons on T.V. and my grandpa took me and told that my dad was dead. A car crash. The night before, my dad was going home in a public car when a drunk driver crashed with them. My dad was the only one who died. And just like that my family and my life changed irreparably.
Many years has past, my mom had to go ahead with three little children almost by her own, and even so she figured out how to rise us and get her university diploma with high grades. She is my hero.
To explain certainly in how many aspects my father’s death changed my life would take mucho more lines, but for this assignment I think that it is enough with this important part of my story.
Bold or Bashful?
I wrote this frase like a question, because, for me, it is like if we have the power or will choose between one or another. Of course that since we are born and during our childhood we usually fit in one of those categories, bold or bashful, speaking in general terms. Personally I don't think that pople personalities takes only one feature. Most of the time our personalities are composed for many other features blended in differentes mesures. For exalmple a person can be sociable and negative or can be a timid pollyana one.
And somtimes when a person is not pleased with his or hers personalities, he or she can make an effort and change those details of their personalities with which they are not satisfied. That is why I wrote de title above as a question. What are we? What do we choose to be or show to people around us? extroverted or introverted?
Wichever the answer of these questions could be, it's something personal for each one of us.
In my personal opinion, what's really important is to be honest with ourselves, because at the end it doesn't matter if you're bold, bashful, reticent or sociable; or how do you decide to show up yourself with people. The only thing that really cares, is to be true and coherent with what we feel, and what we show to the world.
Spiritual Renewal
As I could a interpret Spiritual renewal is when you decide to change your life by a process of new attitudes through a religion, the most common in america to follow God or Jehová, christianism.
This chapter talks about people of a different culture follow a religion. Orthodox christian laity has different methodologies you have to follow for getting closer to God: Ascetic, fasting, you can replenish from all of this in practice for obtaining well-being.
My personal opinion is about religions, religion is important to me, I found God, I found his glory, and his power around me , his protetion everywhere, in many circunstances. that means a lot to me in that path of know him you have to be made new again but you know like, spiritually.
I let a video about spiritual prayer.
Lenten Prayer for Spiritual Renewal.
This chapter talks about people of a different culture follow a religion. Orthodox christian laity has different methodologies you have to follow for getting closer to God: Ascetic, fasting, you can replenish from all of this in practice for obtaining well-being.
My personal opinion is about religions, religion is important to me, I found God, I found his glory, and his power around me , his protetion everywhere, in many circunstances. that means a lot to me in that path of know him you have to be made new again but you know like, spiritually.
I let a video about spiritual prayer.
Lenten Prayer for Spiritual Renewal.
Feng Shui.
I didn't understand what was feng shui, and I looked for internet, I found that feng shui is a chinese belief, which help people to create a positive influence in their lives,It also deals with mysterious things, secret and impossible to see. Its territory of action is situated on the border of two worlds: that of the earth called ken kai , visible and physical, and that of the sky called yu kai, unknown, invisible and vibrating.1 It is considered from a pseudoscience To "a compendium of ancient Chinese superstitions"
The thing that I was intersted was the way we can decorate our bedrooms. The way you locate your bed is one of the most important factors when you decorate your bedroom, which it should not be next to the wall with a door or a bathroom, nor should you place it under a window or in front of a mirror. Locate the bed against a wall that shares the bathroom means having a chaotic and very moving environment due to the water that is constantly being used and drained.If you don't have wall where you can place the bed, hang a mirror above it to reflect the drainage and movement of the water to the bathroom.
The documents were talking about also the correct location of mirrors in your bedroom can help make it look bigger. Cover the mirrors at night when you sleep if your head or upper body reflects. If you locate the bed where you can not see the door, hang a mirror that allows you to see the reflection of the entrance to the bedroom.
The thing that I was intersted was the way we can decorate our bedrooms. The way you locate your bed is one of the most important factors when you decorate your bedroom, which it should not be next to the wall with a door or a bathroom, nor should you place it under a window or in front of a mirror. Locate the bed against a wall that shares the bathroom means having a chaotic and very moving environment due to the water that is constantly being used and drained.If you don't have wall where you can place the bed, hang a mirror above it to reflect the drainage and movement of the water to the bathroom.
The documents were talking about also the correct location of mirrors in your bedroom can help make it look bigger. Cover the mirrors at night when you sleep if your head or upper body reflects. If you locate the bed where you can not see the door, hang a mirror that allows you to see the reflection of the entrance to the bedroom.
domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017
U#7 Spiritual Renewal
Hi Dear Friends.
Well, let's talk about spiritual renewal.
There are many forms of spiritual renewal, Many people practice small daily rituals, such as intentionally remaining quiet or spending time alone: a growing number of people choose to retreat from society for a few days often visiting a spiritual community like monastery.
A monastery is a place occupied by a community of persons, called monks (males) or nuns (female), who follow strict religious vows or promises ( NorthStar5 P.#124).
My personal opinion about spiritual renewal is that I think that each person should have the option to choose which religion they want to belong to after knowing some of them, many people are involed in a specific religion becauses their parents follow any religion by traditions without having the oportunity to choose what religions they want to follow by themselves. Each one person have to look for his own spiritual renewal since that must arise by vocation.
Let's see the next video and learn more about the ministries and monks.
Uni # 5 Feng Shui
Hello Everybody.
Let's see below
some aspects about Feng Shui.
According to
the book, (NorthStar5 page# 101). The theory behind feng shui is that there is
an invisible life force or energy, called ch’I (chee) that circulates through
all things, rooms, buildings, people, hills, rivers, power lines. If chi flows smoothly
and freely, then things go well for people. If chi is blocked then the people
in that space may feel discomfort or unhappiness.📕
shui is the art of aligning things in the environment to create harmony and
good look.
personal opinion about Feng Shui is that
many people don’t believe and others
don't even know it, in my own case I didn’t
know anything about feng shui but I believe in the positive and negative energy
flowing around me and how the objects
around me can prevent positive energy from flowing.💫
knowing what Feng Shui is, I started to consider the idea that some objects in
my room were allocated in an inappropriate position, and I think that after
changing them, my room has more space and it feels lighter, although I still
have the same amount of objects.😶
people who don’t know the Feng shui consider that it is only a Chinese belief
but I personally would invite them to know about this because maybe it can be
useful in everyday life, when you move to a new house and organize everything again,
So they would have an idea of how to align everything in a way that space
reaches to distribute all objects.👴
jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017
With no doubt, honesty is one of the most important values that human beings can posses, and one of the main features of our personalities. It is also an actitud and, in my personal opinion, a chosen way of living.
In the Dominican Republic honesty it's a value that has lost its worth during the lastes years. To be dishonest has became like a common behavior, and it's an every day problem that we face in our society, from politics to our daily life, it afeccts us in all levels.
It's dissapointing to see how society is becoming worst day by day, where people has to think twice before letting someone get into their homes and being extra awake of unknown people, when our country is widely know as a friendly one, where people treat strangers as if they were family, and now we don't even trust in our neighboors.
And you may be wondering what's the relation between dishonesty and this lack of trust. Well, when someone isn't honest is hard to trust in he or she.
However, dishonesty is something that can be changed and we can change it, with our behavior in our daily live, showing to our relatives and acquaintances what kind of society we want, the one that we can build with our acctions according with our values.
Unit #4 The Tipping Point
Hi everybody.
I'm going to tell you a great event that changed my lifestyle. That happened when I was 17 years old, after finishing high school, I was a person without compromises and I didn't think about my future but when I decide to go to the university everything changed, I had to start working because I neede money for paying the university, transportation and food.😋
As the life goes on I started to learn more and more about resposability and I realized that every change that happened in those days it helped me to become a bold person and to project myself for my own future.👴
Why do I consider my admission to college an important event? because that was the date where I started to see life from another point of view and I joined the world of adults (I had to Work for paying bills, Study for building my own future and so on).💪
lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017
Mountain athos
The people who live here are monks. The only purpose of monks is to pray. They don't care about anything else. Life here is hard! Monks get up at 3:00 A.M then they go to church to pray for eight hours... EIGHT HOURS praying (This is crazy) the only fun they have here is to get close to the divine.
They don't use technology, no cameras, no cellphones, no computers, no radio, and nothing related to entertainment. These things are considered distractions. Women are not allowed here only men. I think this is no fair if it is as they believe then, women are not right to get close to the divine, and this is just wrong!
This place is independent of Grece government they don't take part in policy, they don't pay taxes they don't do anything related to earthly things. Monks philosophy is purity once you become a monk you forget who you were and the only purpose of your life is Pray.
This is fascinating even though There is nothing as bore as this place is. How could you live without women around! To be honest monastery life is not for me.
viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017
The Internet and Other Addictions
There are many things that can be addictive for human being, such as alcohol, drugs, some types of games, bets, food, coffee, etc., but I didn't know anything about being addicted to internet, or I didn't see or think about it in that way. I knew about addictions but it wasn't normal to see internet, shopping, and sex as addictions. Now we studied this in english 8, and I can tell that these are new addictions for me. Internet for me is very important as a tool and it must be for everyone, the problem is the way we use it, and what we use it for. Shopping for me is another thing that human must do to bay what we need, no to feel a need we have. We the people create addictions for ourselves, we need to know when we are doing something to fill a need, no because we really need it.
Feng Shui
Feng Shui
It is wind and water in Chinese, experts and practitioners say this is an Art and a Science that creates physical and psychological comfort, and they recommend simple changes of the elements in our environment. Feng Shui creates harmony and good luck and can affect our lives in several ways, such as health, and happiness. According Feng shui chee or ch'i circulates throw all things and people and if it doen't flow freely things won't go well for people. I can not believe that the simple way we locate things in our homes will affect our lives. I do believe in God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit of God, nothing else. The Bible says that the spiritual world is bigger than the world we know, so many things could happen around us and we can not see that, but we could feel or sense, just as feng shui says, but an art or science can do that. I know you can order things or the art of aligning things could make us feel confortable, but nothing else.
martes, 16 de mayo de 2017
Feng shui colors. In unit five we were talking about feng shui and I wanted to know more about it and I found this. The colors in feng shui. Each color in feng shui has a special meaning. -Red: carries energy of the fire feng shui element. Fire have always been a symbol of divine energy and can be both destructive and creative. It's also color of luck. -Orange: is very stimulating, active,and sociable. -Yellow: is very happy, uplifting,warn and expansive as red represent the fire element. -Blue: is calming healing and relaxing represents the water elements, clarity,inspiration. -White: represent clarity ,innocence,spiritually. -Green: has an effect very calming and balancing. It represent abundance and nature.
lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017
Honesty ( I had done, but I deleted accidentally)
Why is it important to be honest?
Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way. When we are honest, we build strength of character that it will allow us to be of great service to God and to others. We will get a very good self-respect and we will be trusted by others. ( This paragragh is from
Honesty is very important to me. I do not trust easily and it is easy to lose it. But, if I give you my trust is why I think you won it, and I will believe what you tell me. I trust without reservation. Honesty is a huge part . I want to be honest and I'm sure it is the best policy. An honest person speaks accurately about what they believe the reality of a situation to be. They are also open about their feelings, desires and preferences.
I hate when a dishonest people disguises themselves as honest, and they talk about honesty and the right things that you have to do, but they don't do. It is disgusting to see people talk about others, and tell that they are talking about the truth, when that person turns around, they speak the opposite and they talk bad of that person. In conclusion you have to have that kind of people away, because they are very toxic and they are very bad for your health.
Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way. When we are honest, we build strength of character that it will allow us to be of great service to God and to others. We will get a very good self-respect and we will be trusted by others. ( This paragragh is from
Honesty is very important to me. I do not trust easily and it is easy to lose it. But, if I give you my trust is why I think you won it, and I will believe what you tell me. I trust without reservation. Honesty is a huge part . I want to be honest and I'm sure it is the best policy. An honest person speaks accurately about what they believe the reality of a situation to be. They are also open about their feelings, desires and preferences.
I hate when a dishonest people disguises themselves as honest, and they talk about honesty and the right things that you have to do, but they don't do. It is disgusting to see people talk about others, and tell that they are talking about the truth, when that person turns around, they speak the opposite and they talk bad of that person. In conclusion you have to have that kind of people away, because they are very toxic and they are very bad for your health.
martes, 9 de mayo de 2017
8 Feng Shui Tips That Could Change Your Life! :)
This guy seems to be a Feng Shui master or something like that, As I said in the class I do not believe in these kinds of things; however, this topic is quite interesting and to be honest I am seriously cosidering try some techniques of Feng Shui only to do something different. You know, new things to escape out of routine.
This dude explains 8 simple steps of Feng Shui, in order to create balance and harmony in life. Watching this talk is not going to make you a Feng Shui master, but at least it could help you to kill boredom. I hope you enjoy this talk and try to implement some of these tips. Fell free to correct me as much as you want!
lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017
My tipping point
My life was normal and I thought I had what I needed
it, I was working all day long so I didn’t have time to go to the university
but I didn’t care because I wasn’t really thinking about my future at that
moment and I was just living in the present, I moved from my parents’ house so I
was doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, I was living what almost every
young man or woman wants to live, I was independent at last, but one year later
without expecting it, because I thought I couldn’t have kids, I reached a
tipping point in my life, I knew I was pregnant and since that moment my life was never the same, I became a woman I never thought I would be, I am a mother
and a wife and I’m really happy to be it because now I have a reason to continue,
to think in the future and that’s why I returned to the university because I want
the best for my family. I thank God because he changed my way of life and gave
me the best gift I never asked for, my beautiful baby and a wonderful husband
and I live for them and because of them.
domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017
The Bold and bashful
In my opinion shy people have handicap or disadvantage for speaking in public, they keep aloof from other people, when they are in a classroom or work,
when people are bashful, they keep in a phobia statement, everything what happen around their, keep their scared.
when a person is bold have advantage to be leader in differents groupsthat they are part, they can be leaders, in the school, in their job, political groups and they have more opportunities for expressing their opinions in public and in the life.
when people are bashful, they keep in a phobia statement, everything what happen around their, keep their scared.
when a person is bold have advantage to be leader in differents groupsthat they are part, they can be leaders, in the school, in their job, political groups and they have more opportunities for expressing their opinions in public and in the life.
miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017
Feng Shui
To be honest I do not practice any ancient tradition from nowhere. Although I believe in Karma, it is difficult for me to accept some of those ancient traditions in china. Especially for the example that we have here in the Dominican Republic, Chinese people do not seem they practice those traditions like Feng Shui. They are really disorganized, they like to bet and so forth...
However in movies these practices like Feng Shui, Kung Fu, Tao... Are pretty popular in movies. So, they might have some truth in them. Who knows....
To be honest I do not practice any ancient tradition from nowhere. Although I believe in Karma, it is difficult for me to accept some of those ancient traditions in china. Especially for the example that we have here in the Dominican Republic, Chinese people do not seem they practice those traditions like Feng Shui. They are really disorganized, they like to bet and so forth...
However in movies these practices like Feng Shui, Kung Fu, Tao... Are pretty popular in movies. So, they might have some truth in them. Who knows....

I got interested in her because the professor quoted her last class. So, I began doing some researches about her, and I found some interesting facts about her. Her name is Kristine Lagatrine. She is a freelance writer who has written six bestsellers including Feng Shui: Arranging Your Home to Change Your Life.
She touched some important topics of how we can achieve happiness by ordering our homes with Feng Shui. To be honest, in beginning I thought she was Japanese or Chinese, so I was stunned when I saw an American writing about a Chinese tradition.
martes, 2 de mayo de 2017
People like to make misattributions about shy peolple, I do not agree with them.
It is said that being shy is a handicap or a disadvantage but I think these people are very intelligent. I think they are intelligent because they are quiet peolple. They are always watching calmly. Dr. Zimbardo could be right in his research about shy people when he says shy people are boring, they are less interesting, they are less attractive, etc. I do not agree with him completely because I have met people who are shy and they are completely the opposite of being boring, unattractive and are quite interesting.
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