lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

A tipping point in my life.

    For me it is something really personal of to talk about. Something that without doubt was an inflexion point or the biggest one, was my father’s death.

    I remember him as a good father, a good teacher and a good human being. He was friendly and outgoing. He had many friends that loves him as a brother.

    When he died, I was ten years old almost turning eleven. I still remember that Saturday morning that I woke up wanting to watch cartoons on T.V. and my grandpa took me and told that my dad was dead. A car crash. The night before, my dad was going home in a public car when a drunk driver crashed with them. My dad was the only one who died. And just like that my family and my life changed irreparably.

    Many years has past, my mom had to go ahead with three little children almost by her own, and even so she figured out how to rise us and get her university diploma with high grades. She is my hero.

   To explain certainly in how many aspects my father’s death changed my life would take mucho more lines, but for this assignment I think that it is enough with this important part of my story.

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