lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Just watch

 Jes煤s Mercedes.


Hello  I'm Jesus Mercedes, I'm 24 years old and everybody  here know that I'm English  student. ✌☺

Today I want to give you my opinions about  some addictions that many people  don't know how to handle it, Not only drug additions exist, ther are many dangerous additions as is gambling addicts ♠. Nowadays it's  common to hear about people who have lost everything, their business 馃挵, houses 馃彔, family 馃應, because of they don't know how to handle  the gambling addiction, if you have that addiction be aware 馃憖,  I recommend you go to a specialist  before you have lost everything馃拃.
The internet and other addictions.

The addictions are harmful regardless of which way it is: either shopping, of alcohol and drugs among others.

Each individual who has an addiction is reflected in their behavior.

 Internet addiction is very dangerous and much more so in children, because they use it without parental consent.
Introducing me.

Hello, I am Adelaida Balbuena I am a moderns languages student, I work at the Getsemani school; I am spanish, professor and others subjects.
I live in february 25th street Villa Duarte. I am married with Bianelo meran. I have one daughter she is 12 years old she is my light I love her.

I have not finished my career because when my daughter was born i did not trust anyone to leave her. I lost many time, thanks god I can to back the past semester and I hope finish and learn too much in this level.

I hope you are interested
  Addictions in this day. It is important talk about addition now in days because years ago we just thing that addiction was drugs, alcohol, cigarette and other subtances. Addiction is the problem of not being able to stop doing or taking something ,so shopping, the use of cell phone , the gym , food , sex, buy things ,etc,and of course Internet, could be addictions too and all of these deserve the same treatment like the other addiction mention above because for less that you see that are addiction and can have terrible consequences.

Introducing me

Hello everyone, my name is Jatna Jim茅nez and I'm 27 years old. I work as an auxiliary of custumer service in Enercom, an enterprise that supplies laundries, hotels and other enterprises around the country with everything they need to give their coustumers a good service.

I live in Villa Mella (a bit too far), with my mom and my younger brother. I also have a sister but she lives with my auntie and my she cousins.

As I think at this point, you know I am an English student 馃槉. I like what I`m studiyng and learning, I like share those knowledgements whit my classmates and everyone who wants to learn. In this level I want to improve my English working hard and with the help of professor Atilano and my classmates which seems to be as intrested in learnig as I am, and some of them even more.

I hope we could have a productive semester. 馃槃

internet addiction and others addictions

Addiction: The state of being involved to a habit or practice. The addiction could be expressed in two types such as substances and activities,manny people are addicted in doing exercises,shopping, working, in my case I am addicted in chatting, sometimes I spend hours chatting with friends of mine and I can not control that, at the time when I go to bed I take time to conceive the dream for being chatting.There are manny types of substances that take control of  people such as Alcohol ,Amphetamines, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, GHB, Nicotine,Cocaine , Crack , Oxycontin, etc.

What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

What I got from this video was. The internet has stolen us the ability to pay attention. Nowadays we devote so much time surfing online doing whatever unless paying attention to one thing at a time. These days we do many things at the same time like: checking Facebook, chatting, watching videos, reading news, and so forth... This is a big problem because we are not focused on learning. The process of learning takes place when we pay attention to one thing only, and then practice, practice and continue practicing in that way we build knowledge. Today we know a lot about different topics, but understand a little. Do not get me wrong! The internet has connected us in useful ways such as: business, communication, education and many others... None can deny how important is the internet even though we should reclaim our freedom and not let this useful tool control our lives. Thanks for watching this post.

s谩bado, 25 de febrero de 2017

How to express wishes in English (past, present and future)

This video explains quite well how to use the structure of "wish" in all its uses future, present, and past. I wish there were more videos like this one available on the Net. I understood at the first glance because of the speaker's explanation was clear.

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

Student: Guillermo Aguero.                                                                    Tuesday, Febuary 22, 2017
Class journal

This Day I came so early because as far as I know I'm crazy about learning. The class began late due to the Professor awkward inconviniet. According to his explanation, he changed the route the one he gets used to come to University, he had to spend a lot of time on the way to college because there wasn't any kind of transportation at the end he had to call a cap. After that, he introduced the class by the homework previously assigned on the blog. Then he continued with the next homework the one in the book. Some classmates asked some questions, and he answered them with accurate precision. He introduced the grammar of the unit this grammar was "wish" for expressing desires, and regrets, He gave a couple examples some of them were so funny, so I had so much fun in this class. I am waiting for the next class to learn new interesting things. See you around fellows hehehehehe.

mi茅rcoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

How internet  addiction can affect people’s life.

Now days there are a lot of different kinds of addictions, not just the ones that we had in the past but a lot more, some of them can damage our bodies, others our minds and others can do both, I think any addiction its dangerous because it can affect us in ways we can’t even imagine, it can ruin our family, our job performance, the grades we get if we are students and many other aspects of people’s life.

The main topic of unit number one is internet addiction, a situation that is really common in the times we are living and it’s affecting people of all age. I remember when I was a child I liked to play outside with my friends, I loved to go to the countryside and enjoy the nature but sadly you don’t see that now because children just want to be surfing or playing online. When it comes to adults the main issue is that we don’t communicate like before, people just want to be chatting, googling or doing any other thing in the internet but talking to other people face to face, I think we don’t get to know each other anymore, and that’s one of the reasons why marriages are getting apart. We are losing the meaning of friendship and this is just some of the problematics of being addicted to the internet.  

Introducing myself.

Hello, my name is Karen Rodr铆guez, I am an English student, I don't work and I attend a Toelf class which a professor is preparing us to be ready for Toelf exam, I'm learning too much, I go on satudays morning I think I need it as a professional and as a person because I don't have a fluent English, I don't know how to express myself in English too much. I'm late in my career because I had to have finished it last semester and I couldn't, that makes me kind of sad but I stand in the university because I like my career , I'd like to work as a translater or something similar, I don't want to be a teacher, I don't like it. I don't know very well another areas from this career but I like that kind of job, I don't remember how  it's called, when a company hires you and you have to work here  and  travel to another country that brought me to this career.

I hope to finish my career soon  afterward get a good job. For this subject I hope to learn a lot and I'm happy because it's the last English level it's so amazing!!

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

                                                                                                                             Monday, February, 2017

At last the class started, this day we began the class formaly. At first the professor began the class by giving us a little speech about some issues that Dominican students have. The class was interesting and comunicative. We participated by giving comments about this question. "What does addiction mean?" I said: "Addiction is when someone does not have the capacity to control himself or herself". I though was an accurate answer. In the end homework was assign. This homework is about Grammar specifically the structure " I wish I" and another part of the homework is rlated to the vocabulary of the first lesson of unit 1. To be honest I have not done the homework, so I have to start as soon as possible hahahaaha. 

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017


Good evening to everybody;

Please copy the link below and put it in your navigator to download the audio for unit one from the book that we are studying. Also I want to clear out that I will be uploading each audio chapter, while we are taking the lessons:!cF4nmLhZ!uqCTFC_nCx5pjtXyC0KrbbR9uB55IfbSK1El5i7-5oc

I hope this has been helpful.

Thank you.

Greily Mart铆nez.

mi茅rcoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Hello, everybody I'm paola padua I work as a cashier in Orbit Cable this is a company of telecable and Internet servicie. I feel very happy to be in this class and I really hope to improve day by day with the help of all of you.

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

     Hello everybody, my name is Oscar A. Vargas G., I am accountant, but my biggest dream is to become an English teacher, this signatures is very important because I want to improve my listening and speaking skills and be a very good teacher in the future.    I was born in San Juan  De La Maguana, I am a married man and have two children. I live in Las Caobas, SDO.  I wish we all have a good time this semester.




Not only the Internet has to be an addiction, also there are some others, for instance Alcohol, Cigarettes, Drugs, shopping, etc. And also some abstract things such as Chocolate, Coca Cola, etc...when people who have any addiction can't stop, even if they want to, also there are people who prove some drug, he/she does not pretend to be an addicted person, they do just for fun or to know how does it feels like, but with the danger to get in that world, all depends on you.

But we are about to talk the INTERNET addiction, this is a person who spend more 80 or 100 hour per week navigating, chatting, googling, blogging, etc. A person who revise her/his cellphone every time just to see what is happening in the Web. Who can not stand a day without a cellphone or a PC without data.

When I take the first line in Metro or even when I take a bus, I count 10 people and of those 10 at least 7 are chatting or navigating all the way and I spend 1 hour to get home. What does it mean? It means that we are entering in a era that the electronics are surpassing the human intelligence and that is bad.

Also this addiction (Internet) may lead us into another, for example, Web shopping, porn, online games, etc...and to deal this situation I recommend visit one specialist for this kind of problem.

Hello, my name is Jennyffer Adames,I am 28 years old, I am married and I have a beautiful baby boy. I am not working at the moment, I used to be a teacher and I worked in different schools for 5 years but now I am raising my baby. I want to dedicate all the time that I can to my family that is why if I get a job I want it to be just part time in order to help my husband with the expenses,finish my career and be with my baby too.

I was out of the university for a few years so it is a little hard for me to be here and at the same time it is strange because I did not think I was going to finish my career but I have a reason to do it now and it is to be able to give my baby a better life.I hope to learn a lot in this class with all of you guys,enjoy every moment and have a great time.

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

What you need to know about internet addiction | Dr. Kimberly Young | TE...


I learned many new things about this talk. First of all, I learned when did the internet addiction first studies began. The internet studies as an illness started with Dr. Kimberly Young. She was the first person who studied Internet as an addiction. She began studying this illness back in 1995. Her motivation was a case of a friend of hers got hooked to the internet addiction.

 At the beginning of the study of this mental illness was not taken seriously. She did a survey on the WEB abut the implications of spending so many hours surfing online. She did not get used to have a lot of emails in her account. As result of her survey she started receiving tons of emails from people around the world. According to her she had emails which said: Dr I lost my job because my addiction, I can get through the day without being online.

After this experiment, she wrote a book in 1996 which name is "Intenet Addiction as a new Disorder". Suddenly the psychologist's community began doing a lot of researches about the downside of the internet. Today, Internet is part of our daily life. We do almost everything through Internet from taking English classes to buy a weapon. On the other hand, overusing Internet has pretty bad consequences like: sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, and so forth....

In China, Korea, and Taiwan the Government has made many policies about the correct use of Intenet. There are many campaigns with the purpose to educate citizens of the dangers of the wrong use of Internet. There are also a lot of treatments available to help people who suffer from this illness. These treatments are not so hard as drug addiction, and alcoholism. These procedures are like being on a diet.

At first, the patient has to reduce the amount of time on the Web, and fill this time with other activities like Practice Sports, Go Out, Reading, and so forth... The objective is to make the patient to reconect with the reality. END!!!
Hi everybody, my name is Greily Mart铆nez and I work as a Call Center Supervisor at Silanes International, this place is a big Laboratory in Mexico which works with many medicament in different countries in Latin America, but here in the country works only with Diabetes Mellitus II, muscular pains and overweight people. As a student of this class I will give 100% of me and my classmates can count on me in everything, I am always available to help people as long as they let themselves be helped. I hope to learn more English that I know in this class. And I can´t deny that I am excited about it (to learn and to share knowledge) and also to deal with my scenic panic in class :o). Thanks, Greily S. Mart铆nez.

mi茅rcoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Hello! My name is Guillermo Aguero. I am 24 years old, I work as an English teacher in small institute in Los Alcarrizos, which name is Los Angleles. It's been 4 years since I began working as a teacher. I am not the best teacher ever, however I always do my best to make my students learn. To me teaching is the greatest honor ever, it is not about to make money, it's about to inspire people to be better, and happy. I love teaching. It's my life passion! By the way, this is level 8 I hope to learn a lot of new things in this subject my goal is to get 100 hahahhaha. If it is possible I am going to get it. What my classmates can expect from me? They can expect totally support whenever they need. If I can help them it would be an honor. What I expect from my partners? I expect respect and cooperation. Again I am not the best, and I make many mistakes at the time of speaking and writing but I always do my best to support people to make them better and happier as well. That's the important thing to be happy.