jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

What you need to know about internet addiction | Dr. Kimberly Young | TE...


I learned many new things about this talk. First of all, I learned when did the internet addiction first studies began. The internet studies as an illness started with Dr. Kimberly Young. She was the first person who studied Internet as an addiction. She began studying this illness back in 1995. Her motivation was a case of a friend of hers got hooked to the internet addiction.

 At the beginning of the study of this mental illness was not taken seriously. She did a survey on the WEB abut the implications of spending so many hours surfing online. She did not get used to have a lot of emails in her account. As result of her survey she started receiving tons of emails from people around the world. According to her she had emails which said: Dr I lost my job because my addiction, I can get through the day without being online.

After this experiment, she wrote a book in 1996 which name is "Intenet Addiction as a new Disorder". Suddenly the psychologist's community began doing a lot of researches about the downside of the internet. Today, Internet is part of our daily life. We do almost everything through Internet from taking English classes to buy a weapon. On the other hand, overusing Internet has pretty bad consequences like: sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, and so forth....

In China, Korea, and Taiwan the Government has made many policies about the correct use of Intenet. There are many campaigns with the purpose to educate citizens of the dangers of the wrong use of Internet. There are also a lot of treatments available to help people who suffer from this illness. These treatments are not so hard as drug addiction, and alcoholism. These procedures are like being on a diet.

At first, the patient has to reduce the amount of time on the Web, and fill this time with other activities like Practice Sports, Go Out, Reading, and so forth... The objective is to make the patient to reconect with the reality. END!!!

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