miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Introducing myself.

Hello, my name is Karen Rodríguez, I am an English student, I don't work and I attend a Toelf class which a professor is preparing us to be ready for Toelf exam, I'm learning too much, I go on satudays morning I think I need it as a professional and as a person because I don't have a fluent English, I don't know how to express myself in English too much. I'm late in my career because I had to have finished it last semester and I couldn't, that makes me kind of sad but I stand in the university because I like my career , I'd like to work as a translater or something similar, I don't want to be a teacher, I don't like it. I don't know very well another areas from this career but I like that kind of job, I don't remember how  it's called, when a company hires you and you have to work here  and  travel to another country that brought me to this career.

I hope to finish my career soon  afterward get a good job. For this subject I hope to learn a lot and I'm happy because it's the last English level it's so amazing!!

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