martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

My room, my world...

Maybe the topic does not match with what I have to say, but as you see, you opened this message to see what it contains...

This is it: I label myself as a very shy person, I do not like to talk in front of a crowd, that is why I do not like to teach I prefer to write. I have what we call "Public-speaking Phobia" this is: Scenic Panic, I feel this way because I predispose myself of thinking that my information will have no merit to them.

I know this will bring me adverse consequences because I will have to do it at the end of my career and I have to work with this chronic shyness that I suffer since I was a child.

I do not have problems to ask for information, but to meet people for me it is difficult, I mean, I meet them, but when we begin a conversation I do not know what to talk "lol"...

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