miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Hi, after a few problems  for trying tosing in the blog, im here.

O-O im not sure if i used  this expretion in a good way.

Anyway, i hope you be ok, talking about kinds of personalitys; i think we can't  identify people personality clear because it depends the moment, where and how you make them.

Usually, we know people that say things or think about your self on an incorrects ways, maybe because you made them in a bad moment for you, until a bad situation or you  just decide misbehave for avoid them.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Diana...allow me to correct you some words if you do not mind, I think that when you are going to write the subject "I", you should write it in CAPITAL letter and at the same time I mean that you wanted to write "Expression".
