martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Good afeternoon,Is my pleasure to meet you all, my name is Diana Peralta, I am 24 years old, i am  student of "Modern Languages Inglish​​Mention ", I am executive assistant of the Ministry of Agriculture, I like the bellydance and I have 20 brothers.

miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017

Spiritual renewal

People have different habits based on their beliefs and cultures. When they want to retreat themselves for the daily life as we have to face many economics, relationships and health problems every day. Some people like to disconnect from the normal life, it is usuall for some people get closer to God by fasting, going to church or visit a spiritual community in a vacation. Others just go to places to relax themselves , doing some meditation activities as yoga, or pamper themselves on a spa.

I personally go to church with my family and spend time with them, I'm not a religious person, so basically it is hard to know what it common for people as a spitual ritual.
Feng shui

Feng shui is an anciet asian art of placing objects and buildings to arrange balance and harmony, according to many sources on the web site. Despite of the uses of this art dates back 6th century, it is being practiced all around the world; if we stop for a minute and look objects around our aunts, grandmothers and some of our relatives houses, we can relate how they placed furniture, it is based on feng shui.

When I was a child I used to visit my mom's mother, she always placed plants in her house, and according to feng shui plants make air pure and bring harmony, also my aunt Mercedes placed mirrors in her living room, when she made her home decorations, feng shui says mirror in the living room brings you more friends. It was common for her to open windows and let lights to come into the house, which it is good because it lets bad energy goes out.

I also can remember my father having a fishbowl in our living room, which it stimulate good luck and wealth. Apparently the most simple order you place an object means something in feng shui. Now I know the importance and value of feng shui in our environment.

lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

Jose Dolores Gonzalez         Mat.  939615

                                                             Spiritual renewal 

It´s about of refrain from doing too many common things, for keeping touch with God, We have to pray, go to church, fast, doing humilities works of humility and be afraid of God´s power.    

Jose Dolores Gonzalez              Mat. 939615

                                                                      The tipping point

In our country, we have been grow up in different aspects such as, communicative technology that has become in an epidemic in technology, that we use in education such as computer , cellphone, and tablets and websites.  Another aspect is transportation like communications´ freeway that unite our country, Santo Domingo Metro, in education we have all the public edifications and universities 

Jose Dolores Gonzalez                         Mat. 939615
                                                        Workplace  Privacy

I thought that employees should have more privacy in their work many times the employers violets their rights keep an eye in their freetime, at work, employers not should use method of eavesdropping that is illegal to all companies. They should haves safeguards that guaranties a best production , It ´s good that there is  a lag of call for keeping a control in companies. 


According to Chronicles verses 30 and 31, there are 6 steps to spiritual renewal:

1.- Remember God´s past faithfulness (30: 2,3)
2.- Keep going despite ridicule (30:10)
3.- Aggressively seek to remove evil influences from your life (30:14, 31:1)
4.- Confess your Sin to God (30:22)
5.- Be open to spontaneous praise worship (30:25)
6.- Contribute generously to God´s work (31:4-8)

I was talking with a person who knows about the Bible and told me those verses from the Bible . It is important that we search the outside world for something that we already possess inside. Look inward and you will always be at home. So stop worrying about unnecessary things, being each day with a prayer it will arm your soul, control your appetite this will be good for your body and mind. Accept your limitations, do not envy anyone, it wastes time and energy. Have faith in people, find a hobby it will relax your nerves, read a book a week to stimulate imagination, spend time alone for the peace of solitude and silence and try to want what you have, instead of spending your strength trying to get what you want.

And above all things pray to God and lay all your troubles on him.