domingo, 4 de junio de 2017


     Since the beginning of live, human beings had felt a need for explain things on their environment that were outside of their limited knowledge. And in a search for answer questions such as: how rain falls? And, why the sun rises and set every day? They create legends of a higher power that controls nature elements around them, and their very lives. And gods were born in a need to answers. In different cultures around the world and through history human beings had shown in many ways their need to approach to a divinity superior power in search of guide and comfort.

     Time passed, and like humans evolved, their relation with spiritual world did so, and religions start to appear; Judaism, Islam, Christianism, and Buddhism, are the most extended in the western world, Middle East and Asia.  Each one of those religions has millions of followers in several countries around the world, and in spite of its roots are related, their traditions and ways of live their faith are different.

     Nowadays, even though each person professes a different religion, everyone lives its spirituality in a personal way sharing a general feeling of unity. Of course there is people who feel they don’t need a religion for being in touch with their spirituality, with the knowledge of good and bad is enough for them. Many other people likes their religions and everything it carries.

     As I said at the beginning, spirituality is a need of human beings, it is part of what define us, it helps us to focus. Religions are a way to explore our spirituality in a community way, surrounded of people with the same needs to connect with a superior power, something bigger than us.

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