domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Feng Shui

    Feng shui is descibed as the rules of an ancient Chinese philosophy that govern spatial arrangement and orientation, in relation to pattern of yin and yang and the flow of energy. Those rules take into account for favorable and unfavorable effects in Buildings and furniture designe. Feng shui is also described as an art and a science.

    From second half of twentieth century this philosophy has extended in several countries through Asian continent, European continent and North and South of American continet. In The United States its popularity has increased since architects, real states developers and interior designers start to using principles of feng shui to build and arrange places for people to living and work, based on supposed benefits of a positive flow of energy that feng shui provides.

    This practice also has detractors who qualify it as a pseudoscience with no scientific bases which verify its functionality. Skeptical people wondered if everything about feng shui it’s truth or just a fairy tale for having more sales or clients. In spite of it many feng shui experts believe on its worth and support it with several anecdotes of people whose lives dramatically changed, from negative to positive, after taste feng shui practices in their lives.

    Tale or truth, feng shui it’s an ancient tradition with hundreds of years of activity, and it’s being followed for people who wants to try something different to bring harmony and balance to their lives.

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