lunes, 12 de junio de 2017


Nowadays inside the majority of the enterprises, there are cameras as a security method, it helps you with this process because our bosses can not keep up with everything.

In my opinion, must be cameras in some important parts of the building in an enterprise, for instance in the hall so we can do this surveillance, another place is where there is not much flow of people because if the people know that there are no cameras it is easier to check some irregularity. So this type of security must be installed in the warehouse area of a company.

Cameras inside the bathrooms are forbidden , also in the lockers room and first aid rooms. With the cameras also you can be notified that who is working really or who don´t, sometimes we as employees we feel that they are watching us all the time and you do not know if those cameras have a microphone inside and they could be listening what we are saying.

So we have to try quiet at work and take it easy if there are cameras, after all, it is for our bosses´ own good.

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