viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

                                                                  The Tipping Point

          The Tipping Point refes to the most important moments in the people's life or the most important historical dates or  moments of a country or city.  The tipping points for a human being are his birth date, his marriage date, his childrens' birth dates, and his parents' birth dates. The Dominican Republic has several tipping points that are histgorical dates, beggining with the independance day February 27, 1844, Trujillo' s death in 1961,  the civil war in April in 1965, and 1978, the year Dr. Balaguer was removed from presidential power.  The city of Santo Domingo has a very important moment or very important event that becomes in the tipping point that is the beginning of the subway of Santo Domingo.  We have World' s tipping points or humanity' s tipping points.  The first and second world wars are the biggest examples of tipping point wich are very negative moments o events for the humanity.

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