domingo, 11 de junio de 2017

                          Tipping point.                              When we talking about tipping point we talking about changes and an important one occurred here in santo domingo  being clear the tipping point was in the public transportation of santo domingo. we are using the subway of santo Domingo until 2009 that is a public transportation that transport thousands of people in santo domingo , thanks of subway we can be on time in our works and university. Time before get on time on work and in university was awful and we had to wake up very early and even that we arrived late. But now we can be on time in our work and university and at the same time we can safe a little mony, because for example you took three or four cars for arriving to your work on time maybe now with he subway you just take maybe two or three cars. For me this is a big tipping point and I hope that one day the subway can spread everywhere that would be awesome.

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