lunes, 12 de junio de 2017


A long time ago I wrote a post about my room, my place, but I did not know that I could apply this beautiful technique: The Feng Shui.

First, we gonna start with the colors, the positions of the things in your room and the elements that are involved. According to some picture that I found on the Net, we have the North of the room in which are involved the following: the element water, with the colors blue and black, these bring career luck, so in this position, we can put a black desk with a blue chair on it just beside the door. Then we have Nort-East in which are involved the element earth, brown, yellow and pink color and these bring education luck so we can put a small piece of pink furniture with a little brown carpet and besides this a yellow bookcase. Then we have the North-West which is involved metal element, white, gold and silver colors and these bring travel luck and helpful people in this part of the room, we can put a litter white drawer with a little metal stool.

Also, we have the East which is involved the wood element, green color and brings family and health. In this part of the room, we can put a green rest chair. The South-East, in this part of the room we have as element and color as the East, but with different reward: wealth so we can put on this side of the room a big green rest furniture with some little table beside. Now we have the south, on this side of the room we have the fire, red and these will bring name and fame and in this part of the room, we can put a big bed with red covers and two nightspots. In the southwest, we have earth element, brown, yellow and pink colors and bring romance luck.

With this technique, we can build a peaceful place to be, to have our pleasant place, and t is important not to have any electronic device, it is better to have many books which you can read.  

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